WTO Werkzeug-Einrichtungen GmbH
Neuer Hohdammweg 1
D-77797 Ohlsbach
Phone +49 7803 9392-0
Fax +49 7803 9392-199
Managing Director:
Dipl.-Ing. Sascha Tschiggfrei
Under Section 5 of the German Telemedia Act (TMG)
Authorized representative manager:
Dipl.-Ing. Sascha Tschiggfrei
Court of registration: Freiburg HRB 480331
UST Identification number: DE 142 531 812
References and links
The WTO Werkzeug-Einrichtungen GmbH homepage contains references and links to other Websites, which lead you out from our internet presence. Please notice that WTO Werkzeug-Einrichtungen GmbH is not responsible for contents of the specified references and links. This is the responsibility of the relative provider.
We paid particular attention to the composition and collection of data and texts.
Errors, however, cannot be excluded completely. WTO Werkzeug-Einrichtungen GmbH does not assume any legal responsibility for faulty data and for any consequences arising from the use of the faulty data.
This imprint refers to the internet presence of the WTO Werkzeug-Einrichtungen GmbH at www.wto.de respectively www.wto-tools.com as well as to all appearances of the WTO Werkzeug-Einrichtungen GmbH on www.facebook.com, www.instagram.com, www.youtube.com, www.twitter.com, www.linkedin.com, www.xing.com and plus.google.com